As some folks know, I write jewelry tutorials. I currently sell them through my Etsy site: www.ShaktipajDesigns.etsy.com.
I promised some changes for 2009 and here is the first installment: my new free tutorial series, BACK TO BASICS and MORE!
The first lesson: Wire Weaving Basics. This lesson will show you two different methods for weaving wire in a pattern, and some solid guidelines for weaving any pattern. It focuses on weaving in tight closed spaces. Just click the sophisticated lady for a link to the PDF download!
NOTE: This link takes you to my new blog, where you can download ALL of my Free Tutorials. :^D

I started because I was asked to share some techniques, and because many of the tutorials I had seen left a lot to be desired. It seems many people are putting out tutorials without giving real value. Many of the tutorials have out of focus pictures, repetitive photos, and big holes in the explanations. Worse, the people putting them out are not experienced enough actually be qualified to teach others - but you don't find out that they really don't know any more than you do until you've paid the money.
My personal problem with many tutorials is their insistence on a 'Dragnet' delivery - remember the old TV show? "Just the facts, Ma'am." Yes, we're here to learn a technique, but that doesn't mean it should read like an accounting book. Come to think of it, I've read accounting books that were more interesting...............I got into wire working because it was exciting to me! Because it NEVER fails to pique my interest, because it is a puzzle with a prize at the end! To my mind, a tutorial should communicate that kind of intense interest in the author.
But I think the greatest failure of many of the tutorials I've seen - free or paid - is their lack of instruction. Now, that may seem like a funny thing to say, but here is what I mean: They provide a sort of recipe for making the project at hand, but they don't give you the benefit of their expertise and experience by letting you know the challenges you may face. More importantly, how to avoid and fix mistakes! In a word: Troubleshooting!
There are so many of these, that beginners and some more advanced students seem to accept certain problems in their wirework, because it is not easy to find understandable, complete, comprehensive instructions for quite simply, doing the work correctly!
I've decided to try to remedy some of that! I know there is no one way of understanding or teaching that reaches everybody, but I'm going to try to add to the knowledge base in a way that actually lets people know what they may be missing.
If you don't like a bit of humor, don't download them, please. I really try not to write dry tutorials, so I crack a joke once in a while. If you like your instructors to be demigods, sinless, blameless, and nearly perfect in every way - don't download them - PLEASE! In most of them, I freely admit to quite a few failings - otherwise, I wouldn't have much to share with you in the way of troubleshooting.
If you like understandable, complete, comprehensive, and of course, DETAILED instructions, with a dash of humor and LOTS of troubleshooting - WELCOME to BACK TO BASICS and MORE!
Ooh, Perri, I couldn't agree more about tutorials. I actually haven't seen or used very many written by others, since I prefer to figure things out myself, but I do know that troubleshooting is what people really need. I try to have a bit of a conversational tone in my tutorials, but it doesn't compare to your wonderfully wry sense of humor!
Thanks so much Jan! I'm the same way -figuring it out for myself. But when you need help, you don't want half an answer!!!!!
BTW, for anybody who doesn't know, Jan is my kind of instructor! I have seen her Viking Knit tutorial available at her Etsy. (JUST FOLLOW TO HER BLOG!)
She gives wonderful instruction, and I think the fact that she's a really fun lady comes through completely!!!!!
Very nice! Tutorials like this are great!
Thank you. I've been practicing some of my weaving tut's , and your 'basics' lesson was very helpful. :)
Especially the part about creating a bend and pulling that through vs. the end of the wire.
(things that make you go Duhhh , lol - it seems so obvious now!)
Thanks, Lori and Kim! Kim, that 'DUHHH!' thing was exactly my feeling!!!!!!
Hi Perri!
Humor rocks and so does your new blog! Will follow you with interest...
~Anna Lee H.
Lovely tutorial on weaving there! Enjoyed it immensely. Your sense of humour shines through :-)
Love your tutorial! I have it saved to look over again and again! Can't wait for more! ;)
Creations by JAE
Thank you so much for this Perri, and I am very PROUD of you - to have figured out posting PDF downloads!! I managed to download it!!! Bravo!!!!
Thank yoou so much for your tut.
Perri! Thanks so much for being such a sharing person and thank you for the tutorial.
This is wonderful Perri!! Even wrapping for a long time, there is tons of info that made do the "could've had a V-8" head slap..
Beautiful photography to BTW, do you give classes :))
Bonjorno, shaktipajdesigns.blogspot.com!
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bravo...Ms. Perri...we need to remember our basics as they are the foundation of each piece of jewelry we make : )
Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankoyou for this tutorial!! I've been looking EVERYWHERE for this information!!!!!!
Thank you for offering these tutorials Perri. I am always up for learning ways to improve my work, so I plan on studying them well. I've already learned from your mention of finishing techniques. Very clever and I look forward to trying them. I'm sure it will definitely add a more finished touch. You ROCK!!!
Perri, I've only read your opening and comments so far; and I can't wait to get my feet wet!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!! I have been dying to find a tutorial that I can afford (after all the investment in supplies, free is about all I'm able to afford right now) that is TEACHING rather than just showing off. I've looked high and low and FINALLY I've found you girl! Thank you SO very much for not trying to make a killing off desperate newbies; but being such a generous person instead, with what is already obviously a gift you've been graced with. Thank you in advance again. I'll comment again later (after I experience the wonderful tutorial everyone's raving about),but for now I'm going to try to figure out how to access this wonderful tutorial so; here goes....I'm off to bead land.
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